Thursday, November 24, 2011

Smalls Steps

We live in a world, where the big picture is not pretty and neither is the small picture. 
Let see in the big picture we got a messed up global economy, loads of unemployed people and something that has not stopped since the human kind was born that is people killing people. 
The small picture well the everyday beggars on the street, the days you don't get water in your house, the lone junkie on the street, the friend who is unemployed and yhea... the other shit you read in the paper. 
For many of us life seems to be just hopeless, for other who think a lot it life maybe be just something that is not willing to change, where people will always die, revolutions only land up with another dictator and a load of other things. 
Yet we are here, we live and we struggle. However there are things that we must live for. For our parents who give us joy, for our friends who give us companionship. 
Your view of the world could be a fucked up one or a one of hope or both. 
People are born everyday into this world, people who have shit thrust upon them and who become who they are not. 
Yet there is a future. The world is not going to end. We must strive for a better future, we must strive for a better future, every single day when we get up. 
Look at the child, the baby, the newborn and know that they do a better world. 
The only way we can get this done is one step at a time. One good deed at a time. Be better than the world around you. Be more understanding to those who serve you, be more caring of those who are around you. Understand the world. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


If you are interested in gender equality, then you are reading the right article. If not, then you are a retard fucktard.

It is of my opinion that my gender, men, man has inflicted a great deal of pain on women kind; as John Lenin has said, “Women is the slave of the world”. The world is trying to be gender equality. It is trying. It has to fight against people who still believe in gender inequality and institution, ideologies and even religions that believe in gender inequality. I think the most dangerous enemy is socializations. Instilled ideas, habits, traditions which we don’t even realize.

More specifically language connotations; two words dick and pussy. Dick signifying the genital of a man. A pussy signifying the vagina of a woman.

When you call someone a dick (and mostly the person you call a dick is a guy) you mean that, that person is stupid and maybe even a retard. When you call a person a pussy you mean that, that person is a coward.

By using these sexual words which directly related to a gender, you are creating stereotyping. You are being repressing and creating a false image of that gender.

Be careful with your words. Sure you may not mean and those around you will understand it the way you mean it. However... your failure to realize this just shows how deep, socialization of gender inequality has impacted you.

To realize this is the first step.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Taking Shit

Life is definitely not fair and sometimes you have to just take what you get. This could be god but most of the times it is shit that you have to take. And sometimes you just have to take it whether you like it or not, because whether you like it or not that person has more legal or illegal powers than you. And if you do not take this shit, then in return you will get double or triple amount of shit on you. Take for example, the Police if they catch for no reason or a good reason, they have twenty-four hours with you before they have do take you to the Court. Within those twenty-four hours they can do anything with you. It is not a matter of right or wrong, but the power they have over you, that you must take their shit and bow down.

However if your odds are good and you had enough of it and you feel your back is against the wall, then the only choice is to fight back.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to be Remembered

People are born, they live and they die. There are questions that are asked continuously through one’s life- What are you supposed to do? Do you have a purpose, a destiny? People have been born and they have died, and they leave their legacy. Billions of people are born every year, what is their purpose in this world? Is it only to live and die? Is it so that they can live a monotonous life which will not impact the world? What is their purpose? Out of these billion is it only a few who impact and change the world? Is it only a few who will be remembered?

No one can answer such questions. However the world has always been changing with small steps and it has always been the smaller steps that combine to make bigger steps. These small steps may not impact the world around you, but if the right effort is made, it will impact your world. Your world simply consists of those who are close to you, your near and dear one, family and friends. And when you will die you will be remembered by these people. Your legacy will be with them. And for most this world, your world is enough because it just consists of those who matter. You will be remembered by those who matter to you, and that all that’s matter.How to be Remembered

People are born, they live and they die. There are questions that are asked continuously through one’s life- What are you supposed to do? Do you have a purpose, a destiny? People have been born and they have died, and they leave their legacy. Billions of people are born every year, what is their purpose in this world? Is it only to live and die? Is it so that they can live a monotonous life which will not impact the world? What is their purpose? Out of these billion is it only a few who impact and change the world? Is it only a few who will be remembered?

No one can answer such questions. However the world has always been changing with small steps and it has always been the smaller steps that combine to make bigger steps. These small steps may not impact the world around you, but if the right effort is made, it will impact your world. Your world simply consists of those who are close to you, your near and dear one, family and friends. And when you will die you will be remembered by these people. Your legacy will be with them. And for most this world, your world is enough because it just consists of those who matter. You will be remembered by those who matter to you, and that all that’s matter.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Life at times can be cruel and may put you in desperate situations. Everything may seem to be going the wrong way and there is nothing that you can do. Hell, the world may be ending and there is nothing you can do. However there is one thing you can still cling on to and that is hope. The moment you have lost hope, then all is lost. The movement you have given up hope then you will fail and whatever chances of success goes down the drain.

Hope will always remain. When you are at death’s door you will hope that you will live. When you check your exam results you hope that you have passed.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Acceptance and Change

Throughout our life we will meet human beings, people. Human being deserve respect. Not simply because they must earn it, but because they are here on this awesome planet earth. They deserve to be accepted on this planet by you with all their talents, goodies and faults. As human beings after we cross a certain age we become who we are and change will be very difficult. So with every good comes bad and you must accept this. Accept your fellow human being, your friend, your family member whoever for who they are.

However after a certain age you cannot expected them to change, but here’s what can be done. You can change yourself. You may not be happy about some aspects of yourself, you may be arrogant, ignorant, whatever. The world may have to accept you the way you are, but you can change. You can change because you’re the only one who can do that to yourself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

No Second Chances?

Have you heard of the saying that in life there are no second chances? Well if you haven’t; you still got a lot of life to live, but I promise you, you will hear it. However when you hear this, don’t believe a word of it. In fact hear it from one ear and remove it from the other, it’s not worth keeping.

Whether there are second chance in life or not is all upto you. Sure you may not control you situation as one will come to learn, you cannot give you life second chances, but what you can do is give other second chances. There will be in life a time in life, and for some it may come quite often where you have the power to give your friend, colleague, family member a second chance. And by giving them this second chance the saying that life does not give second chances, becomes obsolete.

The power is in your hands.

It does not matter whether it does not benefit you or not. Life is not easy and it is not always filled with kindness. However is should be. You have the power to make it that way, even if it does not benefit you or not.

Besides things what goes around comes around.